Saturday, August 3, 2013

Worked Example

This project was very difficult for me.  Creating a worked example that has application for strength training was near impossible because the things we do are all on the spot training.  The training log is a key point for any athlete and most people do not know how or where to create one.  I though this worked example/tutorial was the best avenue to show something that I could use in the future with people I train. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Another class complete

Man, interesting class teaching to adult learners.  Experiencing the different needs and how to make the class matter to adults is a whole new beast.  Not having my own classroom always makes the major projects a bit of a difficulty.  I was fortunate enough to move into an environment this year that can be utilized for these projects.  My experience in this class allowed me to begin to create a lifting database for my fitness programming and facility.  I am utilizing the methods and steps to create courses to teach and attract youth and adults into the facility.  We are going to try and extend our information to include sports combine testing.  This course specifically with building a Moodle environment will allow us to teach the fundamentals to athletes all over the world while still having our "in-house" athletes to do specific training.  I am planning to make the fundamentals a course that the athletes will have to take before being accepted into our combine training.  We have not decided which LMS we will use or how we will deliver the material but because our target audience is 18-22 we will have no problem building a course that they can and will use over and over.

Friday, November 30, 2012


Well Moodle Class design.  That was an interesting, sometimes frustrating experience.  I had some difficulty with the Pre/Post Test Question bank and how to apply them to the gradebook.  However, once I figured it out it was an awesome tool .  The help desk for Moodle was where I turned to for most of my problems.  I utilized the handbook and forums to help me overcome my obstacles. 

I think that this would help me in the future because I can create a class like this for any of the lifting, nutrition, or exercise science topics I want for certification or general knowledge.  The gym that I am creating these for will be utilizing some of my material plus enhancing their YouTube presence in relation to these tests.  This will help out coaches in my area to better teach their players how to lift properly, hopefully lowering the number of injuries. 

Moodle seems like a great way to teach online courses.  Before I fully jumped into Moodle I would like to try some of the other LMSs out there such as Blackboard and see if they better suited my needs.  However, Moodle was very user friendly both as instructor and as student.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

EdTech-Online Tools

The topic of online tools has been an interesting topic to research and discuss.  We all utilize some of these tools everyday.  However, we seem to forget how easily they can get away from the desired purpose.  For some of the prezi examples they seemed more focused on aesthetics than on substance, others put so much information on slides that the purpose was lost.

For me the major thing I learned was the difficulties associated with discussion boards.  I use discussion boards in many things I do but did not realize how devastating the communication breaks can be on learning.  I have experienced it but not knowing how to overcome or work through it, communication breaks have always been a source of frustration.  I now have tools that can be utilized that overcome that barrier.  The other major issue is the nonverbal cues to discussion boards.  The lack of body language can cause issue to arise when in person they would not be a problem.  I see this as one of the major things society must work on due to our reliance on email, discussion boards, IM, and texting. 

Honestly, I did not see any value in this project when I first took a look at it.  It seemed much more like busy work to me.  However, as I researched and did the project all this different topics arose and not only was I able to create the Powerpoint for others to use but also learned many techniques for me to use while in school.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

ET522 M1 Blog

Online teaching is any teaching utilizing the internet as a means of delivery of information this can include partial (blended) classes or full online courses such as distance education.  Online teaching focuses on the tools provided by the web such as cloud networks like Google that have ability to share blogs (like this one), documents, video, and much more.  The online learning for this information is key as well.  Students who have needs that can utilize the learning from great distances, times, and backgrounds can provide for a stronger learning environment.  It gives the student the opportunity to learn from instructors or specialize in skills that otherwise would be unreachable by conventional means. 

Andragogy is simply the teaching of adult learners.  In andragogy the focus changes from the instructor to the learner.  The learner seeks control over his or her education.  There are key assumptions in andragogy as defined by Malcom Knowles:
(1) Adults need to know why they need to learn something
(2) Adults need to learn experientially,
(3) Adults approach learning as problem-solving, and
(4) Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value.
This relates to the online learning/teaching model because it allows the learner to seek out and learn something they have an immediate need for.  This can be viewed why so many businesses have moved to distance learning for training of employees.  With an online class experiential situation can be utilized.  The learner can utilize his or her own experience to enhance the education.  With easy access to search engines and research capabilities learners can see why they lesson is necessary and why they will need to learn the subject therefore providing them with problem solving techniques.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Redskins Preseason

My views on the Skins Preseason.

1. RG3 is everything we expected if not more.  He is very accurate and poised and will lead this team exceptionally, however is raw and needs time to adjust to the pro game.
2. Defense looks good however the injury to Orakpo is devastating if it drags on.
3. Running game has improved top to bottom.

We will see when the games count for real in a couple weeks. HTTR


Well it has been a very long time.  It seems it is a time of change and a return to blogging.  This blog will include information and blogs for my courses in the Educational Technology program about Boise State, my opinions on my favorite sports teams, my life, and my opinions on various other subjects so be ready.