Sunday, October 14, 2012

EdTech-Online Tools

The topic of online tools has been an interesting topic to research and discuss.  We all utilize some of these tools everyday.  However, we seem to forget how easily they can get away from the desired purpose.  For some of the prezi examples they seemed more focused on aesthetics than on substance, others put so much information on slides that the purpose was lost.

For me the major thing I learned was the difficulties associated with discussion boards.  I use discussion boards in many things I do but did not realize how devastating the communication breaks can be on learning.  I have experienced it but not knowing how to overcome or work through it, communication breaks have always been a source of frustration.  I now have tools that can be utilized that overcome that barrier.  The other major issue is the nonverbal cues to discussion boards.  The lack of body language can cause issue to arise when in person they would not be a problem.  I see this as one of the major things society must work on due to our reliance on email, discussion boards, IM, and texting. 

Honestly, I did not see any value in this project when I first took a look at it.  It seemed much more like busy work to me.  However, as I researched and did the project all this different topics arose and not only was I able to create the Powerpoint for others to use but also learned many techniques for me to use while in school.

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